Plant Name

rotala nanjenshan

Common name

rotala nanjenshan

Sciencetific name

rotala nanjenshan


The conservation status of rotala nanjenshan is not currently assessed as it is commonly cultivated for aquarium use.


rotala nanjenshan is a popular aquatic plant known for its vibrant green color and delicate appearance. It features thin stems with narrow leaves that can vary in shape and size depending on the specific variety. The plant has a graceful and bushy growth habit, adding a beautiful touch to aquariums and aquatic landscapes.


rotala nanjenshan is native to Southeast Asia, including countries like Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand. It thrives in freshwater habitats, particularly in calm and nutrient-rich environments.


Since rotala nanjenshan is widely cultivated, it is not facing any significant threats in terms of conservation.


rotala nanjenshan is a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts due to its ability to add vibrant green color and create a lush background in aquariums. It is considered a relatively undemanding plant and can adapt well to various water conditions, although it typically thrives in soft and slightly acidic water. Propagation of rotala nanjenshan can be achieved through stem cuttings, where new plants can be grown by planting the cut stems in the substrate.

Conservation efforts

While there are no specific conservation efforts focused on rotala nanjenshan, the cultivation and preservation of aquatic plants in general contribute to the conservation of aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity.