Plant Name

Sagittaria gigantea

Common name

Giant Arrowhead, Giant Sagittaria

Sciencetific name

Sagittaria gigantea


Sagittaria gigantea is not currently assessed for its conservation status. It is cultivated and utilized in the aquarium hobby and water gardening.


Sagittaria gigantea, commonly known as Giant Arrowhead or Giant Sagittaria, is a robust and impressive aquatic plant. It features broad, arrowhead-shaped leaves that can reach substantial sizes. The leaves are typically green and may have attractive patterns or variegation. The plant has a tall and upright growth habit, adding vertical interest to aquariums or pond settings.


Sagittaria gigantea is native to North America, primarily found in regions such as the United States and Canada. It is commonly found in marshes, ponds, and other wetland habitats.


Since Rotala Green is widely cultivated, it is not facing any significant threats in terms of conservation.


Giant Arrowhead is known for its impressive size, making it a prominent focal point in aquatic setups.  It can produce small white or cream-colored flowers on long stalks that rise above the water's surface.  Sagittaria gigantea prefers moderate to high lighting conditions and nutrient-rich substrates to support its growth and development.

Conservation efforts

While specific conservation efforts may not be targeted solely at Sagittaria gigantea, the cultivation and preservation of aquatic plants contribute to the overall conservation of freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity.