Plant Name

Cabomba green

Common name

Green Cabomba, Carolina Fanwort

Sciencetific name

Cabomba green


The conservation status is not currently assessed as it is commonly cultivated for aquarium use.


Cabomba green, also known as Green Cabomba or Carolina Fanwort, is an aquatic plant with delicate, finely divided leaves. It features bright green foliage that forms dense, feathery clusters, creating a visually appealing and graceful appearance in aquariums and ponds. The plant can grow tall, adding vertical interest to the aquatic environment.


Cabomba caroliniana is native to the Americas, particularly found in regions such as North America, Central America, and the Caribbean. It is known to grow in freshwater habitats such as ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams.


As a cultivated plant, Cabomba caroliniana is not facing significant threats in terms of conservation.


Green Cabomba is a popular choice among aquarists and aquascapers due to its lush appearance and the contrast it creates with other plants.  It is a fast-growing plant that can contribute to nutrient uptake and aid in maintaining water quality in aquariums.  Cabomba caroliniana requires moderate to high lighting and nutrient-rich water to thrive and maintain its vibrant green coloration.

Conservation efforts

While specific conservation efforts may not be targeted solely at Cabomba caroliniana, the cultivation and preservation of aquatic plants contribute to the overall conservation of freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity.