Plant Name

Ammania senegalensis

Common name

Ammania senegalensis

Sciencetific name

Ammania senegalensis


Ammania senegalensis is not currently assessed for its conservation status. It is commonly cultivated and traded in the aquarium hobby.


Ammania senegalensis is an aquatic plant renowned for its vibrant reddish coloration. It features thin, delicate stems and pointed leaves that range from green to deep red, depending on the lighting and nutrient conditions. This plant adds a captivating visual element to aquariums and planted tanks.


Ammania senegalensis is native to parts of Africa, including countries like Senegal and Nigeria. It grows in various aquatic habitats, such as slow-moving streams, marshes, and wetlands.

Conservation efforts

While specific conservation efforts may not be targeted solely at Ammania senegalensis, the cultivation and preservation of aquatic plants in general contribute to the conservation of freshwater ecosystems and their biodiversity.


Ammania senegalensis is highly sought after by aquascapers due to its stunning reddish coloration and graceful growth pattern.  It thrives in moderate to high lighting and nutrient-rich conditions, which help intensify its red coloration.  Propagation of Ammania senegalensis can be achieved by taking cuttings and replanting them in the substrate, allowing new plants to grow.